Sunday, September 9, 2012

Newest Addition to the Green Family!

No it's not what you think...Jamey got a little pet! Dorthy the Fish! Jamey has been just an outstanding little boy this week so we got him a present and he wanted "Elmo's Fish." A visit to the pet store proved to be Jack's favorite place in the whole world...he is an animal person!
More importantly the dogs and he went up to the dogs bigger than himself and was yelling and jumping. Jamey just wanted to see the fish. He picked out a beautiful blue fish, BUT the fish expert told me that if the fish tank hadn't been set up for at least a week we couldn't get any fish but the blue fish was a salt water fish :( Fail. We almost left empty handed and with one extremely upset 3 year old BUT I spotted a Betta fish on the shelf and quickly made a decision to chance it. We are now a happy family of five...and best part is we don't have to feed Dorthy everyday like the rest of the family....once every two to three days for that ole gal (which is actually a male but don't tell her.)

 On a side note I picked this skirt up at a yard sale and don't really know what to do with it...what do you think of this? Any more suggestions?

Hope you finish your weekend off strong with lots of family time, I know I am!

1 comment:

  1. Aww he is so sweet! I use to have a beta fish named Sebastian but he was really a she ;-)
