Monday, August 5, 2013

6 Years!

 Bet you can't guess what yesterday was...mine and my husband's 6th wedding anniversary! Yep, two kids and six years later he's still my best friend and to celebrate we decided to go hiking at Berry College (if you've never heard of it you should look it up....gorgeous!) up to the House of Dreams!

 After our awesome hike we decided no fancy dinner would be better than make your own pizza night with the kiddos! Yummy!

I feel terrible for only posting once last week, but with our anniversary and my oldest starting preschool...YIKES...this morning I was a ball of nerves the past week. I have lots of blogs in store for this week. Hope everyone had a great weekend and sorry for ALL the pictures but I just couldn't pick!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on reaching such a great milestone in your marriage.

    Mel's Corner
