Wednesday, September 11, 2013


 I've received a few emails and request on how I curl my hair, now I am not in anyway good at hair but this is easy and the results are great! Here is what I use...I know I need a heat spray but I've not been happy with the ones I've tried so any suggestions?
Macadamia oil, Big Sexy Hairspray in spray and play, curling iron, hairbrush, and 2 or if you have thick hair 3 elastics/hairties.  

Normally I make three ponytails...but it looked hilarious so I went with the double, works either way and really does work better and faster than going around the head.
 Curl from top to bottom, away from your face and don't be afraid to do thicker bunches.
 When finished, let hair cool for a minute and then slowly take out your hair through to loosen curls or let them do it on their own and you can also touch tops and front.
 The finished product and my OOTD! Thanks for stopping by and please add some of your hair tips!