Have you ever come across the ads for the runs where you can play in the mud or throw chalk/paint at one another? I've seen them pop up everywhere in the past year and I have been "dying" to try them! For my husband's birthday we decided to give it a shot, he really didn't want to but it made me excited about running so he went with it! (He is a runner and I am not unless forced)
After running I decided that maybe people are underestimating how awesome these are!
At the beginning they give you a packet of chalk to throw while you run, I got a blue one and pouted so my husband snagged me a pink one! We started off with throwing the whole pink and half his blue just at each other.
The very first shot....the camera missed my super fancy jump. |
Post Zach hitting me, please notice the innocent bystanders. |
So after our mini war, we finally got to start the race. Most people walk, but I'm very competitive and had to sprint. About five minutes in we both got a little bored and decided we were going to start tagging people. We would run and chalk our hands and then pat people on the back telling what a good job they were doing leaving behind blue handprints. :) It's the little things in life.
They also had large checkpoints where people would throw chalk at you...
Post first pink checkpoint. |
Blue Checkpoint people were very friendly |
Green checkpoint people.... |
they were very violent with the green chalk. Yuck! |
We finished! |
After the race they had a stage where they were giving away tons of goodies and then...
They had a chalk party! I'm somewhere in this, Zach decided to try and capture the moment but lost me in it for a split second. |
Highly recommended to take part in such an event! |
You might have to bleach your shoes and clothes afterwards. |